1 | 服务员把客人领进宴会厅。 | The waiter ushered the guests into the dining room | |
2 | 公共食堂饭菜好,我一下子就吃了一大盘牛肉炒面。 | The food being good in the communal dining-room, I polished off in half a jiffy a large plateful of beef and noodle | |
3 | 过一会儿他就要到达那个斋堂了,他要向溥孝大献殷勤,灌他酒,诱他推迟置腹,还要煽起他的贪欲。 | In a few minutes he would reach the dining room , where he was to befriend Pu Hsiao, ply him with wine, with his confidence, and arouse his greed | |
4 | 话音刚落,门帘撩开了,一个穿着一套白色便服,黑得象乌木似的的黑奴对他的主人做了一个手势, | At this moment he tapestry moved aside, and a Nubian, black as ebony, and dressed in a plain white tunic, made a sign to his master that all was prepared in the dining-room | |
5 | 会议结束后,我们都上顶楼到高级职员餐厅吃午饭。 | When the meeting was over, we all went up to the penthouse for lunch in the executive dining room | |
6 | 她出乎意料地欢乐,她的餐室有一种清洁而无装饰的高雅。 | She is unexpectedly cheerful, and her dining-room has the decency of clean bareness. | |
7 | 她回到餐室,坐在摇椅里摇了起来。她沉思时两只小手捏得紧紧的。透过那渴望和矛盾的欲望的迷雾,她开始看清了。 | Back in the dining-room she sat in her chair and rocked. Her little hands were folded tightly as she thought. Through a fog of longing and conflicting desires she was beginning to see. | |
8 | 今天他走进了那华丽的餐室,却是兜头就觉得沉闷。今天和往常不同,没有熟识的笑容和招呼纷然宣布了他的进门。 | But today, as he stepped into the well appointed dining-room, he was struck by the absence of the usual warm and cheerful atmosphere | |
9 | 据说客厅和餐厅是原先楼房的一部分,室内的装潢和摆设都按照那个时期的风格设计的。 | The lounge and dining-room are said to have formed part of the original building and thy are decorated and furnished in conformity with the style of that period. | |
10 | 可否请您别在餐厅里抽烟? | Do you mind not smoking in the dining room , please? | |
11 | 快到七点钟了,我信心十足地把那首诗放在餐桌上父亲使用的盘子上。 | As 7 o’clock drew near, I confidently placed it right on my father’s plate on the dining-room table | |
12 | 理查兹夫人刚刚走进舞厅,前门就传来敲门声。 | Just as Mrs. Richards was entering the dining-room, there was a knock on the front door. | |
13 | 楼上餐厅的一张桌子 | A table in the dining room above. | |
14 | 露丝的母亲紧紧抓住他的胳膊,从起居室把他推到摆着食品桌的餐厅里去。 | Ruth’s mother seized his arm in an iron grip and propelled him from the living room to the dining room where the buffet was set up | |
15 | 旅店共有四层,备有电梯(安装于1950年),每个楼层都停。公用房间包括五十个座位的餐厅、一个客厅和一个酒吧。 | It is four stories high with a lift (installed in 1950)serving all floors. The public rooms comprise a dining-room seating fifty people, a lounge and a bar. | |
16 | 每天晚上他都准时回家吃饭,觉得家里的小餐室可爱之极。在某种程度上,房间窄小反倒显得更加华丽。它看上去应有尽有。 | Each evening he arrived promptly to dinner, and found the little dining-room a most inviting spectacle. In a way, the smallness of the room added to its luxury. It looked full and replete. | |
17 | 那餐室是一间长方形的屋子,有个壁炉,门对着街(我们已经说过) | The dining-room was an oblong apartment, with a fireplace, which had a door opening on the street (as we have said), and a window opening on the garden | |
18 | 奶是孩子吃的饭,所以也该在饭堂吃,证明这旅馆是科学管理的。 | The milk was the child’s dinner, so it too must be eaten in the dining room -proof that this hotel was scientifically operated | |
19 | 你4岁时,她给你彩色蜡笔,而你却以把餐桌画得乱七八糟表示感谢。 | When you were 4 years old,she gave you some crayons. You thanked her by coloring the dining room table. | |
20 | 女孩子们为舞会刚装饰完食堂。 | The girls were just finishing fixing the Dining Room for a dance | |
21 | 仆人们在大客厅和大餐室里乱哄哄地换沙发套,拿出地毯去扑打 | Down in the drawingroom and the dining-room, the servants were bustling round changing loose covers and taking the carpets up for beating | |
22 | 清早6点时,她从自己睡觉的地方睡眼惺忪地瞥见汉生在外面吃饭间闷声不响地吃早饭,她开始有点理解汉生过的是什么样的生活了。 | She gained some inkling of the character of Hanson’s life when, half asleep, she looked out into the dining-room at six o’clock and saw him silently finishing his breakfast. | |
23 | 请问餐厅在哪里? | Where is the dining room ? | |
24 | 让我们到餐室去吧。 | Let ’s go to the dining room . | |
25 | 时钟已敲十点,餐室里的客人们还叽哩咕噜地谈个不停。 | The guests in the dining room were gabbling away when the clock struck ten. | |
26 | 时钟已敲十点,餐室里的客人们还在叽哩咕噜地谈个不停。 | The guests in the dining room were gabbling away when the clock struck ten. | |
27 | 食堂与厨房相通。 | The dining-room communicate with the kitchen. | |
28 | 他点燃了餐室的灯,拿出一支雪茄,开始在房间里踱方步,一面叹息。 | He lit the dining-room lamp, got out a cigar, and began pacing the room, ejaculating | |
29 | 他抖擞精神,把警察推到餐室门口。 | Starting into activity, he bundled the policemen into the dining-room doorway | |
30 | 他们的餐厅很宽敞。 | Their dining room is very spacious. |